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Prayer Request: Marriage & Family Blessings & Protections & Restoration of first Love to our Lord Jesus Chrsit Prayer Request: Marriage & Family Blessings & Protections & Restoration of first Love to our Lord Jesus Chrsit

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Marriage & Family Blessings & Protections & Restoration of first Love to our Lord Jesus Chrsit (Feb 17, 2018)

Prayer Request:
Father God in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ may the following be so--- unleash the power of the book of Song of Songs and Proverbs chapter 5 ----Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own wel---Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with my wife Amy Lyn’s love.Remove all curses that winder hinder this. Remove all Satanic spirits that would hinder this. Remove all powers from our flesh& everyone that would hinder this In Christ Jesus our Glorious Lord we pray. Lord Jesus by Your blood unleash the appropriate angels of marriage to we Your saints. Rendering powerless all powers in all realms that would attempt seperation & fears& rejection & divorce. By the Holy Spirit fill Amy my beloved wife/ one flesh partner and I and all our brothers and sisters that are married powerfully with Your Agape-Phileo-Eros-Raccam-Ahav-Dod-Ona-(desire)- Davak (cleave)-Shaga (ravished)-Own (generational strength/power/wealth/sexual power)-Ravah (abundantly satisfy, Amen & AMen. Lord Jesus, by Your blood, utterly and completely consume us in Your jealous LOVE & COMPASSIONS. Set us as the seal upon Your heart. Set us as the seal upon Your Arm of Strength and Power O God.(Song of Songs 8:6) And let us tangibly feel Your burning love & tender mercies over us. & For my beloved wife & one flesh partner Amy Lyn & her entire family and for me & my entire family as well& Keep far away from us all powers that would hinder us from being husband & wife & one flesh & foolish spending of money & lack of money & lack of clear communication & secrets & fears & criminal & drug & cult & witchcraft foolish& evil entertainment sins & activity. Empower us to live & preach Your Gospel with powerful signs & wonders & miracles testing the spirits. Forgive our sins, our giving into the lusts of the flesh the lust of the eyes & the pride of life, because we now & forever forgive those who have sinned against us. We so love & we Praise You for hearing & answering all of our prayers, Amen & Amen!

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